South Korean
magazine Symbology Institute (in
Korean and English), Fall 2024 (No 15):Jüri Talvet, poems in Estonian, English translation
(H. L. Hix) and Korean translation (Euisu Byeon):"Nad olid
süüta", "Kliima üllatused", "Passi kaotamise puhul",
"Kujutlus, et tolm võiks olla ainult sealne", "Kus elab mälu"
(pp 55-75) Jüri Talvet, about him, in Korean and English, by Euisu
Byeon (Byeong-Cheol Kang):"The Great
Poet Jüri Talvet's Poetic World. Paradox and the Irony of Suggestive
Metaphor" (pp 79-89)
In magazine Symbology Institute, ed. Byeon Euisu. No 14, Summer 2024, pp 46-81. (file:///C:/Users/talvet/Downloads/Symbology%20Institute%202024%20Summer%20Issue.pdf) Poems "When I went by Subway for New Year's Eve", "On Valentine's Day a Gift", "You whose throats ache with words", "I'll never forget you", "I saved your life, you say", "Who are you" in English translation by J. Talvet and H. L. Hix, with the Estonian original poems, translations in Korean by Euisu Byeon and with an analytic comment "The Great Poet Jüri Talvet: 'A Human – that Simple Miracle" by Euisu Byeon. Jüri Talvet' address: "Dear Korean Poets and Readers".
Spanish translation by Mariela Cordero of an essay by South-Korean poet BYEON EUISU:
BYEON EUISU (L-Korea luuletaja) ingliskeelse essee tõlge hispaania keelde (Mariela Cordero) :
LENKA ŠTANGOVÁ (arvustus): Challenges imposed on World Literature,
Comparative Literature and the “Other” through the eyes of Jüri Talvet. - PHILOLOGIA, vol. XXXIII n°1 (2023): 115-117, Bratislava.
(Review on the book World Literature,
Comparative Literature and the Other, by J. Talvet, Cambridge Scholars
Publishing, 2019)
VEIDEMANN, Rein. Jüri Talvet (snd 1945). - rmt. R. Veidemann, Järjehoidja. Tallinn: EKSA, 2022, lk 565-586; (Juhan Liiviga seoses lk 288-293).
VELSKER, Mart. Piirideülene mõtlemine ja luule. - rmt. M. Velsker, Luulejutud, Tartu: TÜ Kirjastus, 2022, lk 192-197. (audio luuletusest "Armastus" pärsia, eesti ja inglise keeles)
VESSELOV, Joosep (arvustus rmt-le "Tsampika ja teisi luuletusi", 2020): Jah, magada! Võib-olla undki näha. - Looming 5, 2021, lk 700-701.
Revista "Nube Cónica" (Chile), Invierno 2021: poemas "Debe tener entre 25 y 30 ańos", Honestamente - no lo entiendo", "La fe en los mercados se ha perdido!" en traducción de Mariela Cordero García y Entrevista "Diálogo desapasionado con Jüri Talvet", por
Albert Lázaro-Tinaut
JEAN BESSIÈRE (review): Jüri Talvet. Critical Essays on World Literature, Comparative Literature and the “Other.”Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2019, pp. 285-292. In: Recherche littéraire. Literary Research, 36, Fall 2020, Peter Lang. (Prantsuskeelne arvustus)
LI ZHUO, Reflection and Potentiality on Literature Studies: A Review of Jüri Talvet’s Critical Essays on World Literature, Comparative Literature and the “Other”. - Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature. (In Chinese, with an abstract in English), Vol. 4, No 2, June 2020, pp. 184-188. ISSN 2520-4920 (print), ISSN 2616-4566 (online).
HART, Jonathan Locke. Luuletuste "Kõik need kured..." ja "Jõulud Hiinas" tõlgete lähianalüüs. "Intercultural exchanges in the translation of poetry East and West: the private and the public, the scholar and the artist". - ASIA PACIFIC TRANSLATION AND INTERCULTURAL STUDIES 2019, VOL. 6, NO. 2, 111–128
THOMA, Magdalini. Kolme luuletuse käsitlus kogust "Isegi vihmal on hing":
FRANEK, Ladislav. Živé miesto komparatistiky v kultúrnom
dialógu (estónsky prínos). - Romboid (Bratislava),
3-4, 2018, pp 48-59.
Em presença de JÜRI TALVET. Organizado por Alice Spíndola. (esitlustekst koos luule näidetega portugali keeles)
LAVALLE DIOS, Angel. Jüri Talvet, memoria que vence muerte y tiempo. - . 31.01.2017
CHEN Dahong. An Interview with Jüri Talvet: Estonian Comparative Literature Scholar, Poet, Essayist and Translator. - Foreign Literature Studies (Wuhan, China), Vol 38, No 6, December 2016, pp 1-7.
PILTER, Lauri. Saateks. - Jüri Talvet, Luulest. Tartu: Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus, 2015. lk 428-434.
PILTER, Lauri. (Arvustus). "Eesti eleegia ja teisi luuletusi 1981-2012" by Jüri Talvet. - World Literature Today, Sept. 2015.
VEIDEMANN, Rein. (Arvustus) Jüri Talveti sümbiootiline mõte. - Looming, 12, 2014, pp. 1782-84.
Andreu NAVARRA: Arvustus raamatule "Del sueño, de la nieve" - Periódico de Poesia N. 34…/del-sueno-de-la-n…
Liivist ja endast. (Usutlus-vestlus). - Looming, 11, 2014, pp. 1591-1598.
ZURAW-FRIEDLAND, Ayla. Interview with Jüri Talvet. (October 2014) -
VÄLI, Katrin. Kõikenägev Jüri Talvet. - Eesti Ekspress, 20.03.2014, lk. 36.
HELLERMA, Kärt. Jüri Talveti looritatud draamad. - Postimees / AK, 15.03.2014, lk. 8-9.
VEIDEMANN, Rein. Jüri Talvet luuleseismograafia. - Sirp, 28.02.2014, lk 27.
KULL, Aivar. Professori laiahaardeline luulelend. - Tartu Postimees, 27.02.2014, lk 8.
Milagros LÓPEZ-PELÁEZ CASELLAS, Jesús LÓPEZ-PELÁEZ CASELLAS: The Importance of the Smaller Things in Elizabeth Adams’ “Walk on a Grey Morning” and Jüri Talvet’s “Nimetule kassile” (“To a nameless Cat”) – Teaching by Doing a Personal and Professional Life. (Diego Rascón Moreno, Concepción Soto Palomo (Eds.). Jaén: Universidad de Jaeń, 2013, pp 91-102.
LAÍNEZ, Josep Carles, vt.:
PILTER, Lauri: A Drama of a Philosophy of Senses: Jüri Talvet's Poetry. - Interlitteraria. 16. Vol. 1. Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2011, pp. 160-180.
KËRBIZI, Marisa: "Estonian Elegy" by Jüri Talvet: A Vision of an Ethnical Perspective via Forgiveness and Love. - Interlitteraria. 16. Vol. 1. Tartu: Tartu University Press, 2011, pp. 181-194.
PILTER, Lauri (arvustus). Isegi vihmal on hing / Jüri Perler. Oo Hamlet, mu vend! - World Literature Today, March-April, 2011.
REIN VEIDEMANN’s interview with Jüri Talvet. – Estonian Literary Magazine, No 32, Spring 2011, pp. 12-17.
PILTER, Lauri (arvustus): Talveti hellus ja Perleri trots. - Looming (Tallinn), 2, 2011, lk. 286-288.NAVARRA ORDOÑO, Andreu (arvustus): Del sueño, de la nieve? - Periódico de Poesia (UNAM, México), 2010, 34, noviembre.
Albert Lázaro-Tinauti vestlus Jüri
Talvetiga, raamatus Del Sueño,
de la nieve (Zaragoza: Olifante, 2010):
RUMMO, Paul-Eerik (arvustus): Teel viiendasse keisririiki. – Looming (Tallinn), 10, 2008, lk. 1579-1581.
KRONBERG, Janika (arvustus): Silmad peksavad une seinu – Estonian Literary Magazine (Tallinn), Autumn, 2008, lk. 48.
LAAK, Marin (arvustus): Unest, lumest. – World Literature Today, January-February, 2007.
KRONBERG, Janika (arvustus): Tõrjumatu äär. – Estonian Literary Magazine (Tallinn), Spring, 2006, lk.. 31-32.
LAAK, Marin (arvustus): Tsitaadid, õpetlane ja „tilluksed paljad jalad“. – Keel ja Kirjandus (Tallinn), 9, 2005, lk. 754-757.
KRONBERG, Janika (arvustus): Unest, lumest. – Estonian Literary Magazine (Tallinn), Autumn, 2005, lk. 41.
KRONBERG, Janika (arvustus): Kas sul viinamarju ka on? – Estonian Literary Magazine (Tallinn), Spring, 2002, lk. 44-45; World Literature Today, April-June, 2003, lk. 114.
Jüri Talvet, H. L. Hixi usutlus (Estonian Literary Magazine, Spring 1997):